Usage Examples

Additive Linear Scaling

Additive Linear Scaling based on means of long-term 31-day intervals applied on a non-stochastic variable like temperatures (“tas”):

Additive Linear Scaling
BiasAdjustCXX                        \
    --ref input_data/ \ # observations/reference time series of the control period
    --contr input_data/    \ # simulated time series of the control period
    --scen input_data/    \ # time series to adjust
    -o      \ # output file
    -m linear_scaling                \ # adjustment method
    -k "+"                           \ # kind of adjustment ("+" == "add" and "*" == "mult")
    -v tas                           \ # variable to adjust
    -p 4                               # use 4 threads (only if the input data is 3-dimensional)

Note/alternative: The regular linear scaling procedure as described by Teutschbein et al. (2012) needs to be applied on monthly separated data sets. To do so, you have to separate the input data sets into individual long-term months and apply the tool on each of these long-term months using the --no-group flag. This is shown in /examples/

Multiplicative Delta Method

Multiplicative Delta Method based on means of long-term 31-day intervals applied on a stochastic variable like precipitation (“pr”):

Multipliative Delta Method
BiasAdjustCXX                        \
    --ref input_data/ \
    --contr input_data/    \
    --scen input_data/    \
    -o        \
    -m delta_method                  \
    -k "*"                           \
    -v pr                            \
    --max-scaling-factor 3             # set custom max-scaling factor to avoid unrealistic results (default: 10)

Note: The multiplicative variant is only preferred when adjusting non-stochastic variables like precipitation, air pressure or wind speed.

Additive Quantile Delta Mapping

Additive Quantile Delta Mapping applied on a non-stochastic variable like temperatures (“tas”):

Additive Quantile Delta Mapping
BiasAdjustCXX                           \
    --ref input_data/    \
    --contr input_data/       \
    --scen input_data/       \
    -o \
    -m quantile_delta_mapping           \
    -k "+"                              \
    -v tas                              \
    -p 4                                \
    -q 250                                # quantiles to respect


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