Compilation and Installation

Build from source

Since this tool is written in C++ it must be compiled and installed, before it can be used. The following libraries and tools must be installed to successfully compile and install the BiasAdjustCXX command-line tool.

Please have a look at the following code blocks that demonstrate how to download, build and install the BiasAdjustCXX tool from source:

Compilation and installation
git clone
cd BiasAdjustCXX

make build
make install

The tool can be uninstalled using the following command within the project directory:

make uninstall

Docker 🐳

The execution of BiasAdjustCXX is also possible within a Docker container. This is the preferred option when the installation of NetCDF-4 C++, CMake or BiasAdjustCXX on the local system is not desired. It also makes easier to access this tool since Docker container can run on nearly every operating system.

Run the BiasAdjustCXX tool using the provided Docker image
# remove the comments before execution ...
docker run -it -v $(PWD):/work btschwertfeger/biasadjustcxx:latest BiasAdjustCXX \
    --ref input_data/  \ # observations/reference time series of the control period
    --contr input_data/     \ # simulated time series of the control period
    --scen input_data/     \ # time series to adjust
    -o              \ # output file
    -m linear_scaling                 \ # adjustment method
    -k "+"                            \ # kind of adjustment ('+' == 'add' and '*' == 'mult')
    -v tas                            \ # variable to adjust
    -p 4                                # number of threads

See the Dockerhub registry to access the dev, pinned and older versions: Dockerhub